William Saltzman HOME
University of Minnesota degree; Art Student’s League; NYC scholarship; study with Yasuo Kuniyoshi; Morris Kantor; Vaclav Vytlacil.
Supervisor of Art, Fairmont, MN Public Schools; U. S. Army Engineer, World War II ETO Camouflage Advisor; Acting Director, University of Minnesota Gallery; Director-Resident Artist, Rochester Art Center, MN; visiting guest professorships art departments of St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN; University of Nebraska, NE; Park College, Parksville (Missouri State Arts Council grant);Resident Artist, Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, TX (Ford Foundation Grant); Professor Emeritus, Art Department of Macalester College, St. Paul, MN.
Whitney Museum of American Art, NYC; Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C.; The Art Institute of Chicago; Syracuse Museum of Fine Art, NY; Joslyn Museum, Omaha, NE; Carnegi Institute, Pittsburg, PA; California Palace Legion of Honor, San Francisco, CA;
San Francisco Museum of art; Denver Museum of Art; Pennsylvania Academy of Art, Philadelphia, PA; National Academy of Design, NYC; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN; Minneapolis Institute of Art, and numerous galleries regionally and locally upon request.
Minneapolis Institute of Art, Walker Art Center, many national, regional, and
State collections, institutions, corporations, and individuals.
Several Honor citations for stained glass from Interfaith Forum on Religious Art and Architecture, a national affiliate of the American Institute of Architecture; numerous awards in painting.
Temple of Aaron, St. Paul, MN,10 windows, 3’ x 10’ to 29’
Holiday Inn Central, Minneapolis, MN, 13 windows, 2’ x 12’
University of Minnesota Hospitals, Minneapolis, MN, chapel windows and dome, 18’ x 12”
Northwestern Lutheran Seminary, St. Paul, MN, sanctuary windows
St. Edward’s Church, Austin, MN, sanctuary, chapel and baptistery windows, twenty sanctuary windows, 24’ x 2’; 2 baptistery windows; 28’ x 3’, six chapel windows, 6’ x 12’
UCLA Medical Center, Chapel. Los Angeles, CA
Midwest Federal Savings and Loan, Minneapolis, MN, “Chapel in the Sky”, 8’ x 8’
Temple Israel, Minneapolis, MN, nine library windows, 13’ x 22”
Mount Zion Temple, St. Paul, MN, window, “Four Prophets Conflict with God” 25’ x 25’
Vinje Lutheran Church, Willmar, MN, windows surrounding nave, “And the Spirit of God Moved”, 2000 square feet, 192 sections, 8’ x 12” windows surrounding the nave
United Hospitals, St. Paul, MN, chapel
Osmonics Water Purification Corporation, Minnetonka, MN, glass relief projection, 8’ x 28’, “Waterfall”, reception area
Wayzata Bank and Trust Company, Wayzata, MN, three panels 10’ x 10’ entrance area
St. John the Baptist, Savage, MN, 104 windows three inches square,
surrounding upper sanctuary
Church of the Visitation, Minneapolis, MN, hallway window, “Creation”, 5’ x 8’
Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN, faceted glass, 6’ x 12’ chapel cross, “Cross”
Parkview Obstetrics Clinic, St. Paul, MN, 13 41/2’ half circle windows,
reception area and exam rooms,
Keller Residence, Roseville, MN, dining room front door panels and mezzanine
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Excelsior, MN, tower window, 5’ diameter
University of Minnesota New Hospital, Minneapolis, MN, day room areas, and mobile on restaurant floor
University of Minnesota School of Music, Minneapolis, MN, 10 windows, 3’ x 5’organ room
Avent Residence, Hastings, MN, each side of entrance, folding glass bar
service doors 3’x9’
St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, North St. Paul, MN, stained glass sculptural low relief sections set into stainless steel 12’ x 12’ Greek cross, suspended 10 feet from back stone wall, 10 feet above floor behind pulpit, weighing 750 lbs., strong back lighting
Valley Community Presbyterian Church, Robbinsdale, MN, atrium entrance mobile
St. Olaf Residence, Minneapolis, MN, lobby entrance 2 windows each 38” x 77 1/2”
Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church, Plymouth, MN, “Cross Rising Upon the Mound”, 18’ x 10’
Edina Children’s Library, Edina, MN, four stained glass windows
Chapel Woodwinds Health Camus, Woodbury, MN, stained glass chapel window
B’nai Abraham Congregation, St. Louis Park, MN sheet copper relief,
7’ x 10’, “Ten Commandments and Eternal Light”
Lincoln General Hospital, Lincoln, NE, wall relief, 12’ x 12’, back lighted
wood carving, epoxied white
First Plymouth Congregational Church, Lincoln, NE, sheet copper relief, 17’ x 6 1/2 ‘, “Lord’s Prayer”, suspended behind altar 50 foot ceiling, Baptismal Font Cover, 11 1/2” form of sheet copper
University of Nebraska Law School, Lincoln, NE, sheet copper relief, 20’ x 45’, “Energy of Law”
First Sioux Falls National Bank, Sioux Falls, SD, sheet copper relief, 12’ x 65’, “Expanding Horizons”
TCF Bank, Minneapolis, MN, sheet copper wall relief, 36’ x 20’ on 50 foot
brick wall, “Community”
Adath Jeshurun Congretation, Minneapolis, MN sheet copper relief on each of the Arc, 15’ x 10’, “And the Letters Gave Rise”
West St. Paul State Bank, St. Paul, MN, sheet copper relief, 4’ x 24’,
International Institute of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, sheet copper relief, 20’ x 20’, series of abstract flags
Farm Credit Center, Lincoln, NE, sheet copper relief, 5’ by 150’, upper
banking wall
Federated Insurance Company, Owatonna, MN, brass linear 6’ cluster, “Swamp Reeds” main lobby niche
Sholom Nursing Home, St. Paul, MN, sheet copper suspension, “Eternal Light”
Pentair Corporation, St. Paul, MN, black walnut corporate award, twenty-two feet high
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, oil on linen, “Man and His Energies”,
10 1/2 ‘ x 30’
Northwestern Bell Telephone Center, Minneapolis, MN, oil painting,
“Communication”, 40” x 72”
Mackall, Crounse, & Moore Law Offices, Minneapolis, MN, reception room oil, 72” x 72”, boardroom 46” x 102”
Temple of Aaron, St. Paul, MN, mosaic relief, 8’ x 10’, “Burning Bush”
YMCA/YWCA, Rochester, MN, color glazed brick relief, 25’ x 120’
Forke Brothers Auction Company, Lincoln, NE, reception area relief
Minnesota Opera, St. Paul, MN, sets for Mozart Opera, O’Shaughnessy Auditorium
Commonwealth Electric, Lincoln, NE, neon relief
Bryan Memorial Hospital, “Right and Left Side Brain Responsibilities”, 5
1/2’ x 40’ lobby relief, and 5 1/2’ x 15’ walls using wood, plexiglass, painted hardboard, backlighted transluscent brain set in carved torso